70 Year old Female with Shortness of breath

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This Elog book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment .

5 Dec

70  year old female Resident of Vemulapalli


Chief complaints of Shortness of breath since 10days

Decreased appetite since 4 days

Weakness since 4 days

History of Presenting Illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back then she developed Shortness of breath and was taken to private hospital was treated with Nebulization , Diagnosed as Bronchial Asthma and was on medication since then.

Shortness of breath seasonal variation ( every year during winters)

Patient developed similar complaints with fever and was admitted in Private hospital was treated as Bronchial asthma 6 months back

10days back she developed Shortness of breath grade MMRC grade 3 which was   insidious in onset  and gradually gradually progressive. Complaint of cough non productive, fever.

Not associated with chestpain , Palpitations, sweating

No history of orthopnea , paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

Symptoms were relived in giving medication Nebulization

4 days back  patient developed increased shortness of breath MMRC grade 4 , weakness , increased fatigue,  decreased appetite, unable to move from bed or walk without support 

Yesterday patient was taken to miryalaguda hospital with Complaint of shortness of breath and unable to swallow more for solids .

Evaluation was done and referred to our hospital 

Past History

10 years back patient had history of fall (head injury) which was not associated with loss of consciousness, projectile vomiting , seizure, weakness of limbs

Nueroimaging  of brain was done

She was  diagnosed with Hypertension and was started on medication.

Patient was diagnosed with hypothyroidism

since 4 years

Not a known case of DM, Tuberculosis ,epilepsy


Family History

Not significant

Personal History

Diet Vegetarian

Appetite Decreased

Sleep adequate

Bowel and bladder movements regular

No addictions and allergies to pollen dust 

 Daily routine

She wakes up in morning

Eats 3 times

Walks around the house or sleeps

General Examination 

Patient is conscious

 Thin built and malnourished


No Icterus, Clubbing, cyanosis,lymhadenopathy, pedal edema


At presentation


RR Tachypniec

BP 110/70 mm Hg

PR 120bpm irregular

SpO2 89%on Room air and 96% on 2litres of O2

GRBS 141mg/dl



 Temp: afebrile 

PR- 110 beats/min  

RR- 27 cpm

BP- 100/60 mmHg

SpO2 98% on  3litresO2




Shape of chest elliptical 

Bilateral chest symmetrical

Equal chest expansion on both sides

Thoracoabdominal type

Trachea  appears to be central

Supraclavicular hollow present



No muscle retraction, grunting, crowding of ribs


All inspectory findings confirmed

No rise of temperature

No tenderness

Chest circumference 72 cm

Anterior posterior 20 cm

Transverse  32 cm 

Ratio is 0.625 (5:8) (Normal is 5:7)

Trachea central

Symmetrical chest movements

Apex beat left 5th intercoastal space


Resonant in all areas

Resonant in Right 6th Intercoastal space Tidal percussion


Bilateral air entry present

Crepitations at bilateral infra axillary area

Rhonchi at infra axillary and infra scapular area 

CNS Examination

HMF intact 

Oriented to time place and person


Tone Normal 

Power  4/5  In all muscles

Reflexes  Bilaterally

Biceps 2+ 

Triceps 2+

Supinator 2+

Knee 2+ 

Ankle 2+

Plantar Flexion

Sensory system Intact Bilaterally Pain Temperature Touch and Pressure


S1 S2 heard, no murmur

P/A - 

Soft, non Tender, no organomegaly

Urine output


4th Dec


Hb- 10.1

Tlc- 18.5K

Plt- 3.32lks

Na- 123(dec)

K- 3.3(dec)

Cl- 82 

Serum osm- 254(hypotonic)

Urinary Na- 125




Ph- 7.54

PCo2- 27.8

PO2- 61.6

SpO2- 93.5

Hco3- 26.3(st) 23.8(c)

( metabolic alkalosis)

Chest X ray

Plueral thickening
Reticular thickening

Provisional Diagnosis-- 

Acute exacerbation of Asthma? 

Miliary TB?


With Hyponatremia, hypokalemia under evaluation 

Follow up

8th Dec


Fever spikes -

Stools Passed +

Skin pinch normal

Cough -


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative

Temp- 98.4 F

BP- 110/60 mmHg

PR- 78 bpm

RR- 20 cpm

SPO2- 93% on RA

GRBS- 130 mg/dL

CVS- S1, S2 +



Trachea- Central

                                       Rt. Lt

Supraclavicular. Rhonchi. Clavicular

Clavicular. Crackles, crepts. Crepts, rhonchi

Infraclavicular. Rhonchi. Rhonchi

Mammary. Crepts. Crepts&Rhonchi

Axillary. Rhonchi. Crackles

Infra axillary. Rhonchi, crackles. Crackles

Inter scapular. Crackles. Crepts, rhonchi

Infra scapular.Crackles,crepts.Crackles, crepts

P/A- Soft, Non tender



Hb- 7.5 mg/dL

TLC- 6700 cells/cumm

RBC- 2.98 millions/cumm

PLT- 2.59 lakhs/cumm

Serum electrolytes

Na+ 134 mEq/L

K+ 3.6 mEq/L

Cl- - 103 mEq/L

Ca2+ - 0.96 mmol/L


Acute exacerbation of ? Asthma ? COPD

? ILD ? Miliary TB ? CAP

With hyponatremia (Resolved) Hypokalemia (Resolving) (Hypovolemic)

with septic shock (Resolving)

HTN+ since 1 year (Under Tab. Telma H Stopped)

With hypothyroidism (Not under medication)


1. IVF NS @ 100 ml/hr

2. Inj. PIPTAZ 4.5 g IV/TID (Day 4)

3. Inj. Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV BD (Day 3)

4. Inj. PAN 40 mg IV OD BBF

5. Tab. Montek LC PO BD

6. Tab. Azithromycin 500 mh PO OD (Day 3)

7. Tab. Pulmo clear 100/600 PO BD

8. Syp. POTCHLOR 20 mEq (15 ml) in 1 glass water PO TID

9. Syp. Grillinctus 10 ml PO BD

10. Syp. Aristozyme 5 ml PO BD

11. Nebulization with 

Ipratropium - 6th hrly (QID)

Budecort - 12th hrly (BD)

Mucomist- 12th hrly (BD)

12. O2 inhalation to maintain saturation >90%

13. Monitor vitals

14. Strict I/O charting

15. Inform SOS

9 Dec

 10 Dec


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